In the last on this series, Paul concludes his teaching to the Thessalonians by returning to the Christian ethic and encouraging the church to remain grounded in Christian teaching. It is only through the transformation of the Holy Spirit that Christians are able to live sanctified lives through applying the teaching of Scripture. I Thessalonians 5:16-22
As we wait for Christ's return, we must maintain proper relationships with those around us. With respect to Christians, Paul teachings us how to relate to elders, immature Christians, and the evil in this world. I Thessalonians 5:12-15The doctrine of the rapture is a comfort only to those who are regenerate Christians. In this sermon, I look at Paul's teaching that we are to be constantly vigilant for the return of Christ. I Thessalonians 5:1-11One of the concerns of the Thessalonians dealt with the return of Christ. Paul reminds the church that they know the truth of the Gospel and that the Christian has a hope that comforts. The rapture is not a doctrine that scares, but a doctrine that comforts. I Thessalonians 4:13-18The Bible makes adamantly clear that sexual immorality is a sin to be avoided. Yet, many in today's culture find that hard to swallow. Paul's audience was no different. In this sermon, I show how Paul counters sexual immorality with rightly ordered brotherly love. I Thessalonians 4:9-12Paul considered his teaching as authoritative and coming directly from God. This is supported by his concern for the Thessalonians' righteousness. In this sermon, I unpack Paul's instructions for the church's sanctification, namely abstaining from sexual immorality. I Thessalonians 4:1-8Paul's letters to the Thessalonians stand out from among the rest for his tender praise of the Thessalonian congregation and a detailed excursus on eschatology. This summer series takes a look at First Thessalonians by applying Paul's ancient teaching to the church in pandemic. In this sermon, I outline the background to the church in Thessalonica and Paul's appeals to them. The remaining six sermons will detail specific teachings found in the second half of the Epistle. I Thessalonians 1:1-10 |
About the SeriesPaul’s First Epistle to the Thessalonians stands out from among the rest for his tender praise of the congregation and a detailed excursus on eschatology. This summer miniseries takes Paul’s ancient teaching to the church in pandemic. Passages