Paul’s First Epistle to the Corinthians is a letter of rebuke and correction. The Apostle is concerned here and elsewhere with the soundness of doctrine and ethics in the church in Corinth. This concern isn’t unique to this Epistle or to this Apostle. Nearly every New Testament letter was written to combat error in the church. Therefore, I introduce First Corinthians by way of First Peter. Both Peter and Paul are concerned with the unity and purity of the church. In future sermons I’ll show how God defines unity and purity within an ecclesiastical setting; for now, I want to summarize Peter’s thoughts in this section of his letter. This introductory sermon drew on three questions: What is your source of nourishment? Why does it matter? How does it manifest in your life?
About the SeriesPaul’s First Epistle to the church in Corinth is a letter full of love and sorrow. Love for God’s Word and His Church is present on every page and sorrow for a church that has given over to the divisive wantonness of a real-world “Vanity Fair.” Categories