Stewardship and economics are indistinguishable for New Testament Christians, yet we often separate the two as “financial” and “other.” It is clear that from the very beginning, this distinction is a false one. Adam and Eve were commanded to fill, subdue, and rule the created order. The Bible is clear that good stewards neither squander their resources nor abuse their authority; while bad stewards are often labeled “wicked” and “lazy.” Perhaps an even better analogy is this: Adam’s dominion over creation was as a gardener to his field or a shepherd to his flock.
On the sixth day of creation, God takes the time to create a very special creature. Mankind is made in God’s own image. This has both immediate and eternal ramifications on how we relate to other image bearers and how this image is affected by the Fall. In this message I take the time to discuss the dignity, value, parity, depravity, and identity of image bearers. The first chapter of the entire Bible, in recent history, has become a litmus test for orthodoxy. Can a Christian deny the truths posited in Genesis and still claim that name? Quite simply, no. It becomes far too easy to ignore the truths of Romans 1 when one is allowed to gloss over the truths of Genesis 1. However, doubting is natural to us in our fallen state – even the Disciples doubted. Thanks be to God, in His infinite wisdom, He has given us His Word to trust and obey. The narrative history of the people of God begins with a simple, yet profound phrase, “In the beginning God...” The first twenty-five verses of the Bible reveal to us the “triune” act of creation, the “sovereign” order of creation, the “good” design of creation, the “fruitful” ordinance of creation, the “illuminating” surprise of creation, and the “multiplicative” commission of creation. Follow me as I unpack these six headings in the first five days of creation. |
About the seriesThe Book of Genesis is the starting point of God’s covenant with His people. This book gives us the historical sketch of the creation, fall, and redemption of the world. Genesis is also a perfect litmus test to gauge whether or not a person fully trusts in the authority, sufficiency, and inerrancy of Scripture. Categories