God's covenantal faithfulness continues to shine through in His interaction with Abraham. This time, God drills down who shall be the mother of many nations and which son will be the promised heir. Thanks be to God that He is faithful and Abraham's righteousness was not based on any inherit merit. It's also important to remember the cause of war in the Levant and the only true way for peace in the Middle East.
With the gospel pattern of the covenant clarified, we see, now, the response of Abraham to God's loving kindness. The covenant commands certain stipulations, in this case the seal of circumcision, and Abraham is quick to comply, not out of fear or coercion, but out of love. It is also important to draw out the parallels and distinctions between the seal of circumcision and the sign of baptism. Moses returns us to Abram, this time with the fourth dispensation of God's covenant with the Patriarch. In this particular instance, God establishes the covenant through the seal of circumcision. This first of a two-part sermon deals with the address of the covenant and the explicit gospel pattern within. |
About the seriesThe Book of Genesis is the starting point of God’s covenant with His people. This book gives us the historical sketch of the creation, fall, and redemption of the world. Genesis is also a perfect litmus test to gauge whether or not a person fully trusts in the authority, sufficiency, and inerrancy of Scripture. Categories