In this encounter between Hagar and the Angel of the Lord, we witness the faithfulness of God in light of unfaithful humanity and even the unfaithfulness of His own children. God's grace is present throughout this passage, teaching us about repentance in light of the holiness of God.
The ratification of the Covenant with Abram segues into the reality of Sarai's condition. Why is God taking so long to provide an heir? Why must agony beset the promised mother of God's people? What is God doing and how can He be hurried along? These questions lead Sarai to a foolhardy endeavor, yet she's no villain. Which Sarai do we reflect? What do her actions teach us about God? |
About the seriesThe Book of Genesis is the starting point of God’s covenant with His people. This book gives us the historical sketch of the creation, fall, and redemption of the world. Genesis is also a perfect litmus test to gauge whether or not a person fully trusts in the authority, sufficiency, and inerrancy of Scripture. Categories