The climax of Creation is God’s Sabbath rest with his image bearers. Before that Sabbath rest can be realized, Moses takes the time to return us to the Sixth Day of creation to present to us the details of the creation of man and the garden of Eden. Some modernist theologians suggest this chapter is a second, completely different creation myth. They are wrong. In order for us to understand the Covenant God we worship, it is imperative that we understand the genesis of this covenant. In this chapter, we are introduced to Eden, a holy place with a special garden; Adam, the Priest-King of Eden’s garden; Eve, the Help-Meet of Eden’s gardener; and a marriage, a sign of a Covenant made with God. Of course, we don’t have to look far to realize we’re no longer in Paradise. Does that nullify God’s design for marriage? Absolutely not.
About the seriesThe Book of Genesis is the starting point of God’s covenant with His people. This book gives us the historical sketch of the creation, fall, and redemption of the world. Genesis is also a perfect litmus test to gauge whether or not a person fully trusts in the authority, sufficiency, and inerrancy of Scripture. Categories