Mark 8:34-9:1To further get His point across on what it means to be the Son of Man and to be His disciple, Jesus cuts no corners detailing the cost of discipleship. Many Christians today are in need of a similar dose of reality.
Mark 8:27-33Seeing that His Disciples still exhibit spiritual blindness, Jesus begins to further instruct them on His role as the Son of Man. His teaching has the surprising effect of confusing Simon Peter, whose own spiritual blindness leads him to incorrectly rebuke his Teacher.
Mark 8:11-26When stomachs are empty, people either lapse into dismay or jump into anger. When this happens to the Disciples, it becomes a teaching moment on spiritual blindness and spiritual nourishment.
Mark 8:1-10Déjà vu? Not quite. While only Mark and Matthew record a second miraculous feeding, the feeding of the four thousand differs slightly from the previous feeding of the five thousand. When Mark gives extra details, it is incumbent on the preacher to draw out what the Evangelist is saying. In this sermon I look at the differences between the two feedings, for, as I say, the teaching is in the details.
About the SeriesThe Gospel of Mark was composed to the glory of God and for the Church as a witness to the selfless, sinless life of the Son of Man. Categories