Mark 15:40-47 Jesus has died and a bunch of women and a secret disciple are the ones left to see His body tended. The old saying is correct, “truth will out.” Likewise, true faithfulness will always manifest; sometimes in big ways, but most often in little ways.
Mark 15:27-39 Jesus’ agony and mockery continues as He’s strung up between two criminals, scoffed by religious leaders, and scolded by the crowds. In the final minutes of His earthly life, Jesus experiences the fullness of God’s wrath. Something not unnoticed by an unlikely convert.
Mark 15:16-26 In the public’s eye, Jesus is a condemned man. While Pilate sees no fault in Him, Christ is nonetheless sent to the Roman prison to be prepared for execution. During the ensuing hours of agony and mockery, the actions of these Gentiles soldiers reflect more truth than then know about the King of kings.
Mark 15:1-15 Though condemned by the kangaroo court, Jesus’ fate actually rests in the hands of Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea. The Sanhedrin plays politics with Pilate in hopes his ego will side against Jesus. Though Pilate “sees no evil in this man,” the court of public opinion hates Truth and is willing to crucify Him.
About the SeriesThe Gospel of Mark was composed to the glory of God and for the Church as a witness to the selfless, sinless life of the Son of Man. Categories