Mark 10:46-52Jesus nears Jerusalem, but is stopped by Bartimaeus, a persistent, blind beggar. Our Lord puts his previous teaching into action by revealing this blind man’s unseen faith. He even chides us for letting our faith go unseen.
Mark 10:32-45Jesus ended his teaching to Peter by asserting that in the heavenly kingdom, there is no partiality. Seemingly troubled by or ignoring this teaching, James and John ask Jesus to do them a favor. Christ’s response is far heavier than they currently imagine. In this sermon, I address the fears and concerns of Christians in the age of coronavirus and riots.
Mark 10:28-31Upon elaborating on the rich man’s dilemma, Peter responds to Jesus’ teaching by seeking affirmation for the Disciples’ leaving everything to follow Him. Christ shows us how seeking eternal riches results in denying and forfeiting earthly rewards.
Mark 10:23-27Jesus continues his teaching on salvation by reflecting on the rich man’s dilemma. Christ shows us how sin—exemplified in the love of earthly riches—results in denying and forfeiting eternal rewards.
Mark 10:17-22As Jesus begins his journey on the road to Jerusalem, he is interrupted by a wealthy man who has a question on salvation. In one swift conversation, Jesus lays down the law of justification by faith alone.
About the SeriesThe Gospel of Mark was composed to the glory of God and for the Church as a witness to the selfless, sinless life of the Son of Man. Categories