Mark 13:32-37Jesus wraps up his teaching on the end times with two thunderous admonishes. The first is the nail in coffin of any who try to predict or calculate Christ’s return. The second is a parable reminding us of the purpose for which the Olivet Discourse was given. There is no accidental misinterpretation of Christ’s commands here. Anything that teaches contrary ignores our Lord and is false teaching.
Mark 13:28-31Jesus nears the end of his teaching in what is known as the Olivet Discourse or the Little Apocalypse. The Disciples were concerned over Jesus’ prophecy of the destruction of the Temple. In this passage, we learn just how much they will experience. Jesus forewarns the Disciples of signs and sufferings that will continue to occur until His return. The fifth part of this miniseries also unpacks some Zionist errors of interpretation.
Mark 13:24-27Jesus is teaching the Church about what to expect at the end of time. He has been using the prophetic destruction of Jerusalem as a prefigure of the events to come. The climax of that event is, of course, His second advent. Jesus now touches on that glorious event and the fourth part of this miniseries unpacks the expectations of that glorious day.
Mark 13:14-23Jesus has been teaching his Disciples about the signs leading up to His return. Now, our Lord returns to their initial question regarding the beautiful Temple. The third part of this miniseries concerns the prophecy of the Antichrist and Great Tribulation, which is unfortunately and very commonly surrounded in myth and error. Jesus here tells his Bride what she is to expect in the lead up to His return.
Mark 13:9-13Jesus continues teaching his Disciples about his Second Coming while seated on the Mount of Olives. God spoke through the Prophet Isaiah, saying, “My Word, which goes forth from My mouth, will not return to Me empty, without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.” The second part of this miniseries concerns the direct and divine results of true Gospel preaching—divisions, persecutions, and endurance—which the Christian should expect to experience before Christ’s return.
About the SeriesThe Gospel of Mark was composed to the glory of God and for the Church as a witness to the selfless, sinless life of the Son of Man. Categories